Facial and oral muscle disorders can cause children to experience issues with chewing, swallowing, speech, sleep, breathing, breastfeeding, teeth alignment, facial development, and more.
Our experienced clinician uses Myofunctional Therapy to effectively retrain a child’s orofacial muscles to correct and relieve functional issues while also enhancing their facial appearance.
When infants are unable to breastfeed appropriately, it leads to swallowing issues. These concerns result in children being labeled as picky eaters when the issue is actually a myofunctional problem.
Without treatment, speech difficulties typically arise around the age of 2. By age 5, these children with untreated myofunctional issues experience malocclusion (misalignment of the teeth) and future orthodontic challenges. When they reach their teen years, most of the facial growth is complete, meaning the shape of the face will remain even with orthodontic intervention at that time.
Oral habits in growing children determine teeth, face, jaw, and airway development. Correcting poor habits early can transform a child’s present and future oral health. Through physical therapy of the oral musculature, myofunctional intervention remedies poor muscle function that would inevitably lead to diminished airway, misaligned teeth, and facial growth issues.
Nasal breathing cleans, warms, and humidifies the air to help us relax. Open mouth breathing results in a facial growth pattern often seen in long-faced children with allergic shiners.
Tongue placement is critical to myofunctional therapy. When the tongue rests away from its proper position, it often results in facial development issues and bite concerns.
Training a child to engage in proper swallowing may take up to a year of therapy, but it is essential to help them grow and thrive.
If you have any concerns with your child’s development, please contact our Thrive team at 202-410-0088 or email us at edna.ccpdo@gmail.com.
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